Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Education Week and The Canadian Raptor Conservancy

As part of our education week activities we had James Cowan from the Canadian Raptor Conservancy visit us here at Lagerquist. All Lagerquist students attended the performance. We were able to get all 600 students into our gym and seated comfortably for the presentation.
James brought five different birds of prey with him and students learned about the birds and James also flew the birds for the students. One of our teachers, Mrs. Dwyer got to hold the Harris Hawk as a present from the students for her birthday. It was an interesting and engaging performance, both students and teachers had a lot of positive things to say about the birds, James and all of the information they learned yesterday.  
Here are some examples of the information they received from the presentation.
  1. A Harris Hawk can land on a cactus so it wouldn't hurt if one landed on your head.
  2. Great Horned owls like to hunt skunks because they don't have a sense of smell.
  3. The Red-Tailed Hawk is on the list to become the Canadian National Bird. 
  4. Canada does not have a Canadian National Bird.
  5. Turkey Vultures have bald heads so that when they eat carrion it doesn't get all over their feathers.
  6. Bald Eagles were extinct in Ontario up until 15 years ago.
The kids really loved how James flew the birds. He made a point of moving all over the room and ensuring that the students got a very close encounter with the birds. In all it was a great morning here at Lagerquist check out our photos. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Education Week and The Activities here at Lagerquist!

Education Week is quickly approaching and I find myself rushing to put together this post. I want to inform everyone of all the different activities that will be occurring here at Lagerquist. There are a lot of staff who have worked very hard to put together a variety of different activities for our students.

We decided to go with the theme.


Our Hope was to present students with lots of opportunities to Explore information they wouldn't normally be able to experience during a normal day at school. 

So here it is.... Our Education Week line up. 

Explore Birds of Prey-
The Canadian Raptor Conservancy will present in the gym on April 23rd (presentation takes place in the gym)

Explore the Past-

Guess which baby picture belongs to which teacher. Guess them correctly and win a prize (pictures are located in the downstairs hallway)

                                          Explore Music-
Monday April 22 the beatboxing string trio Infinitus will perform in the gym.

Explore Human Experience-
Discover the human side of your teachers! Hear fascinating stories!
 Learn about the variety of human life! (Human books will be read in the library. Students can sign up for different books)

Explore Ideas-
Listen to your classmates present their thoughts during the speech competition (Speeches will be presented in the library)

Explore French- Listen to and look at French Speeches, Skits, and eBooks– all created by Lagerquist students! April 26th (find the cafe located upstairs in the library)

A Water Story using Waterlife and Storybird!

Recently, several classes of grade 8 students visited the library in order to research water. They were interested in topics like water pollution, water use, the water cycle and the belugas whales in the St. Lawrence River.
Mrs. G. Singh and myself first discussed the project approximately two months before students were to arrive in the library for research sessions. Last year we utilized a Web 2.0 tool called Storybird.  It's an easy and versatile site that can be used for all sorts of activities from creative writing to writing non-fiction picture books.
Mrs. Singh and I came up with a set of criteria for the kids and tried to build on the project from the previous year. This year we added some time to research water issues using the National Film Board site called "WaterLife" Students were given a graphic organizer called "A Gem of an Idea". I've Included an image of the organizer here along with the instructions for using it.

The students spent two classes searching through the website writing down interesting facts and sharing this information with their peers by creating graphic organizers about water. Here are some examples. 

Students were then instructed to come up with some ideas for writing a story that would explain what they had learned about their chosen water topic. We discussed main ideas and themes and then students wrote a short organizer and began creating their stories on Storybird. The paid version of Storybird allows you to print out the stories as PDFs. We utilized the free version of Storybird.

Here are some screen shots from their Stories. This first story is an example of some of the topics and images available on Storybird. The idea behind Storybird is to take inspiration from the pictures available. Part of our struggle is to show the kids that their story needs to evolve from the images. Some students do struggle with this. We are lenient in that in the case of the story below this is a killer whale image not a Beluga.
This story discussed Beluga whales. 

Here's a second example. Again I'm showing just the cover page and one page from inside the story. 

The students seemed to enjoy this project and gave us lots of good feedback. The advantage to this project was our ability to combine language skills with research for science. In the end it was an effective way to integrate subject matter. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Grade 7 Leadership Program

At the end of April 50 of our grade 7's will be participating in the R. H. Lagerquist Leadership Learning Program. This fun and engaging program selects students in grade 7 who have displayed strong leadership skills or the potential to be strong leaders and gives them an opportunity to attend a unique Outdoor Experiential Leadership Program. We will be taking a group of students Finlayson Outdoor Centre to participate in the Challenge Ropes Course. Finlayson is a Peel District School Board alternative learning site. All staff are certified teachers and hold specialist certifications in running a challenge course. The activities are fully insured and safety inspected each year.

The Challenge Ropes Course is an exciting, dynamic way to introduce or strengthen the concepts of team work, cooperation, goal setting and many other personal growth goals which students will identify in a preliminary session here at school. Finlayson uses the Challenge by Choice approach which enables each participant to experience their own success in the context of their own aspirations. On the ropes course, the greatest gains are rarely measured in terms of the number of feet climbed. And that in all the team building adventures, everyone has a role to play. The high ropes elements are up in the trees so the perceived risk is high, but actual risk is low. Participants walk across cable bridges, or negotiate giant ladders through the trees as they overcome personal fears and develop new self confidence.

The students will spend part of their morning discussing why they are there and what they hope to accomplish, then it's into the climbing gear and up to the Course they  go.  The Challenge Ropes Course has 10 high element challenge activities set in the forest overlooking the property.  Challenge activities will be based on the group goals.  It is an excellent experience for adventure seekers or the timid, shy student. This is an extremely unique opportunity which will enrich a students understanding of their strengths and areas in which they can improve their leadership skills. 

The cost of trip is 20$ to students. The trip has been subsidized by the school bringing the overall price down by 50%. The cost of busing for this trip was very high due to the extended day but we believe in the value of an opportunity like this and felt that this was an effective item to spend some of the school's money on. We will certainly update people on the student's progress and the outcomes of the trip. 

Grade 8 Cell Projects

Three classes of grade 8's recently visited the library in order to complete a research project for science class. They were learning about various types of cells. Students were expected to work with a partner to research a particular type of cell and then create a presentation which would explain their learning to other students in their class.

Mr. Warr and I worked to coordinate class time for students to complete the projects. I then helped Mr. Warr to introduce the project. We discussed with the students the importance of taking good jot notes so that the information would be easy to utilize when creating their presentations. Students were given several options for creating their presentations. Some utilized PowerPoint or the free version of PowerPoint called Open Office. Most decided to utilize PowerPoint. Students were required to completed a project in which they researched the life cycle, and the anatomy of a particular cell.

They utilized our digital library, print resources from our non-fiction collection and also other websites from the internet. For this project Mr. Warr and myself decided to use the mobile WiFi cart. We learned a great deal during the implementation of this project about the use of our mobile cart. Here at Lagerquist our mobile WiFi cart contains 12 iPads and 12 Netbooks. Students can access and use the cart in their classrooms. At first the use of the cart for research was difficult to master. Mr. Warr is admittedly not tech savvy and required a considerable amount of assistance with in utilizing the cart for the completion of their projects. The iPads were more awkward to use because the could not utilize PowerPoint on the iPads so we had to coordinate who was using which device. Also, the Prezi app on the iPad did not have many of the capabilities of the desktop version of Prezi so this made it difficult for students to utilize. However the students and myself worked around these limitations and overall the projects were very successful. We have learned that there are limitations to the usefulness of the iPads. The Netbooks are certainly useful for certain types of assignments and the iPads have their place in the creative realm for producing things like music, videos, photography and certainly surfing the web. The most effective projects were completed using Prezi. I've included a link to this Web 2.0 tool here. I've also added this little YouTube video that explains how Prezi works. It's a fantastic tool.