Sunday, November 11, 2012

The beginning of a new Blog

I wanted to start this blog for several reasons. The first being that I want the public to find out about all the great things going on at our school and to realize the value of a library. So many people see the library as just a place to pick up a book. At Lagerquist this isn't the case. Students at our middle school can do so much more in this space. Funding is tight I won't hide that but I have a supportive Principal who seems to trust me when I come up with different ideas for programs to run in the school. Not every principal would agree to taking 170 kids to view the movie, "The Hunger Games". Thank you.

As the librarian I work everyday to do more than shelve books and recommend books. I think it's time others knew this. Given our current political climate here in Ontario I think this is more important than ever. In a time and place when teachers are being seen as overpaid, and well a bit lazy because we do not work in the summers I think it's high time people know what we do. I mean what we really do. Not just all the report cards and pushing play on the video we're about to show.

To be honest I would be starting this blog even if I were in a classroom because I think it's important for everyone to know what we do. I believe respect is earned. We earn respect from the kids at our school, we earn respect from our peers, our bosses and of course the parents.

Hopefully, this blog will let all of these individuals see the value of the library and the amazing work our students do complete here at the school. We as teachers are here to guide and help and I won't take credit for the awesome stuff kids do. I just want everyone to know our role in its creation.

Annie Kidder put it best, (She's so much more eloquent than I am), she said "We need to re-embed the value of public education.... The deep value of it. Not just the facts in, facts out value but that it actually changes who we are.... It's not enough to close the (classroom) door and say trust me. That doesn't work ...... You (teachers) have to tell us. You have to let us (the public) know.... You have to help us understand what it is you do and why it's so valuable."

So that's my goal to show everyone what it that we do in the Lagerquist Library and the value of  it to our kids.

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