My Goal to build this library!!!
- A welcoming, service-oriented, tech-rich environment that is open on a regular basis and that invites students in to find resources and services that support their work.
- Comfortable reading areas that attract students to books and to developing the lifelong habit of reading.
- Comfortable working areas that enable different groupings of students to work, from independent learners, to pairs and small groups to whole-class instruction.
- 24/7 access to digital resources as well as a collection of dynamic print resources all supporting curriculum and reading.
- An area that would invite teachers, and guests to work with a class or group, with the support of the teacher-librarian to present multimedia or other performances.
- A place that would provide students and teachers with opportunities to learn more advanced technology skills and create more complex digital products.
- A place that is available for teachers to work in groups in workshops/lunch n’ learns to build new skills or collaboratively develop new resources, tools, etc.
- provide a multitude of literacy initiatives and reading programs
Total number of Forest of Reading Books - 160
Total number of students participating in Forest Voting - 194 signed up
Activities for Forest of Reading
- Book Club
- Award Design Contest
- Talks with Expert Teachers
- Voting
- Imovie for the blog
Library Helpers
Currently 17 students come to the library regularly to shelve and restock books and help with maintaining the library
Study Hall
This runs Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - 99% of the time I’m full and have to turn people away
Total number of checkouts to date - 2971
grade 6 total = 567
grade 7 total = 847
grade 8 total = 784
Total new items purchased by year
2011 - 503
2012 - 788
Total number of items in the library
Books - 2594
easy read/picture - 246
Graphic novel - 210
Magazine subscriptions - 8
Prof reference - 334
encyclopedias/reference - 180
Age of Books
Average age of books is 11 years old by publication year
2004 - 1111 total books published this year these are fiction and non-fiction
2001 - 887 total books published this year these are fiction and non-fiction
2008 - 442 total books published this year these are fiction and non-fiction
Graph Age of books by Dewey system
Teacher Research/Collaboration
- grade 6 research for Biodiversity - students researched and created presentations using poster board or prezi or powerpoint
- group research on Aboriginal peoples - students created a presentation for class on a specific group of native people
- completed Dare Arts cards
- research for grade 8’s completed Island City project
- grade 7 french project to create comics using Bitstrips
- utilized Tumble books
- website creation with live reenactment utilizing twitter for confederation
- recording radio advertisements in french for restaurants
- utilizing ipads and screenchomp for explaining websites for a charity “Shattered” novel study
- utilize computers to work on gizmos for science
- utilizing Imovie to create TV ads for a French Restaurant
- utilizing Ipads to film skit for french
- research project on mixtures and solutions end product was powerpoint or prezi
- research project with students on Canadian Artists
- research project on famous musicians students create a presentation for the class, like Prezi, powerpoint, frames 4, or jeopardy
- research project for migration students are creating photo essays on push and pull factors
- robotics project
- collaborating with me to train students on premier
Upcoming Projects/Plans
- using both the cart in class and the lab students will do research for cells
- will use Imovie to create trailers for the book the Twits - we will split the class and do storyboards then alternate filming times
- students will research water then create children’s stories about water utilizing Storybird
- utilizing audacity to make podcasts in music
6 Teachers bring their classes for regular book exchange
- Book Fair - 250$ - store credit
- Chapter’s night - 400$ - gift card
- Dare Arts - 95$ - cash
- Adopt a School - 500$ - gift card
Major Expenses for library budget
- Purchasing Fiction titles appropriate for grade 6’s - 1500
- Purchasing Graphic novels - 500
- Purchasing replacement book tape - 150$
- Repair books - 195$
- Magazine subscriptions 275$
- Incidentals like barcodes, magazine racks and board games took up the rest
Lessons learned from this year so far
- I can’t let teachers book regular weekly periods for computer use. There isn’t enough flexibility to schedule around them in 4 period day
- I needed to purchase more than 8 copies of Red Maple for Forest - they’re very popular
- The cart is a huge maintenance issue - reliable students should be trained in September to help with upkeep
- Cell phones are too small for BYOD to be useful awkward for kids to read
- The cart needs to monitored every period to ensure everything is back
- If Ipads are constantly plugged in to charge the battery dies
- Netbooks must be shut down with each new user or you can’t get on the network
- Each Wi Fi hub has 30 logins
- The cart is heavy
- Not everyone knows that you can sign out books from the library
- Not everyone knows that they can bring kids to the library to do research and collaborate/team teach with me
- Many teachers aren’t aware of the need to scaffold research so students of all levels are successful
- I have a lot to learn :))))
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